- II.1.
Registra rerum et censuum monasterii St. Ruperti ab anno 1147-1270. (Rupertsberger Traditions- und Lagerbuch, im königl. Landesarchiv zu Idstein.) Anfang: Anno incarnationis dominice 1147 spiritu sancto beate matri nostre HILDEGARDI reuelante [revelante] de monte sancti Disibobi [Disibodi] ad locum patroni nostri scilicet beati Ruberti transiuimus. In quo loco eadem beata mater nostra XXX annis feliciter uixit. - Die runde (mystisch-heilige) zal 30 braucht hier nicht zu wörtlich ausgefasst zu werden, denn HILDEGARD lebte jedenfalls länger als bis 1177.
- English
- Inventory and Census of the monastery of St. Rupert from the years 1147-1270. (Rupertsberg Traditions- and Stock Book, in the Royal State Library in Idstein).
In the year of the incarnation of our Lord 1147, the Holy Spirit making a revelation to our blessed holy mother Hildegard, we moved to the location of our patron saint namely the blessed Rupert from the mountain of our Saint Disibod. In which very place our blessed mother lived happily for 30 years.
--von der Linde comments: The round (mystic-holy) number of 30 used here is not to be understood literally, because Hildegard lived in any case later than 1177. [Trans. J. Docking]
- II.2.
PHIL. LABBEI & GABR. COSSARTII, Sacros. Concilia . . . tom. X. (Lutet. Parisiorum, 1671. fol.) coll. 1128- 1129: Concilium Trevirense in causa sanctæ Hildegardis abbatissæ in monte S. Ruperti celebratum anno Domini MCXLVIII. tempore Eugenii papæ III. Vgl.: Hardouin, Acta conciliorum. t. II. 2. pp. 1317 sqq.
- English
- Sacred Councils ... volume 10. Columns 1128-1129: The Council of Trier in the case of St. Hildegard at Rupertsberg celebrated in the year of our Lord 1148 in the time of Pope Eugene the III. [Trans. J. Docking]
- II.3.
J. F. SCHANNAT, Concilia Germaniœ. t. III. (Coloniæ Aug. Agripp. 1760. fol.) p. 360: Concilium Treverense A. Chr. 1148. Summa . . . § 2. Archi-Episcopi Moguntini & S. Bernardi relatio de vita, & scriptis S. HILDEGARDIS. - § 3. Virdunensis Episcopus mittitur a Papa & Concilio ad Hildegardim visitandam. Ejus Relatio. Decretum Synodi. - § 4. Literæ Papæ ad Hildegardim.
- English
- German Councils, volume 3. p.360: The Council of Trier in the year of Christ 1148. The chief points...§ 2. The reports of the Archbishop of Mainz and St. Bernard concerning the life and writings of St. Hildegard § 3. The Bishop of Verdun is sent by the Pope and council to visit Hildegard. His report. Decree of the Synod. -- § 4. Papal letters to Hildegard. [Trans. J. Docking]
- II.4.
BARTHOL. CARRANZA, Summa conciliorum. (ed. Domin. Schram. Aug. Vind. 1778. 8vo.) II. p. 840.
- English
- The chief points of the councils. [Trans. J. Docking]
- II.5.
CAES. BARONIUS, Annales eccesiastici a Christo nato ad annum 1198 (Romae 1588-1593), fol. t. XII. ad a. 1148. (Ed. Ticini, 1641. p. 302, § XXXII. Stilting, no. 34.)
"Stilting" refers to Johannes Stilting who compiled and commented on documents pertaining to Hildegard's life, published in Acta Sanctorum September, Vol.5 (Antwerp: 1755). When van der Linde says "Stilting, no.34" he is referring to a paragraph number in the first large section devoted to Hildegard in the Acta Sanctorum (pp.629-679). The URL is to the 19th-century reprint of Stilting (not of Baronius).
J. Bain -- 2011-07-11 17:33:08 +0000
- English
- Ecclesiastical annals from the birth of Christ to the year 1198. [Trans. J. Docking]
- II.6.
H. BEYER, Urkundenbuch . . . Coblenz und Trier. I. (Coblenz, 1860. 8vo.) p. 676, n. 615: Erzbischof Arnold von Mainz vergleicht das Kloster Disibodenberg mit den Nonnen zu Rupertsberg über ihre Verhältnisse, den 22. Mai 1158. - p. 694, n. 636: Kaiser Friedrich I. nimmt das Kloster Rupertsberg in seinen Schutz, und bestätigt alle seine Rechte, den 18. April 1163.
- English
- Document Book...Coblenz and Trier. p.676, n.615: Archibishop Arnold of Mainz settles the Disibodenberg monastery with the nuns at Rupertsberg over their conditions, the 22nd of May 1158. p.694, n636: Kaiser Friedrich I takes the Convent of Rupertsberg under his care, and bestows it with his privileges, the 18th of April 1163. [Trans. J. Docking]
- II.7.
AD. GÖRZ, Mittelrheinische Regesten. I. 509- 1152. (Coblenz, 1876. Gr. 8vo.) numm. 1191, 2061, 2121 (Gedr. STUMPF, Acta Mog. 51 no. 48.)
I've included URLs for the first two volumes of Mittelrheinische Regesten.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 10:28:40 +0000
- English
- Middle Rhine Register. [Trans. J. Docking]
- II.8.
ANTONIO PAGI, Critica historico-chronologica in universos Annales ecclesiasticos Cœsaris Cardinalis Baronii. t. IV. (Coloniæ Allobrogum, 1727. fol.) p. 654, ad a. 1178, n. VIII. Obitus S. Hildegardis. (Stilting, n. 203.)
"Stilting" refers to Johannes Stilting who compiled and commented on documents pertaining to Hildegard's life, published in Acta Sanctorum September, Vol. 5 (Antwerp: 1755). When van der Linde says "Stilting, no.203" he is referring to a paragraph number in the first large section devoted to Hildegard in the Acta Sanctorum (pp.629-679). Van der Linde's first reference to Stilting is in section I, record 2. One URL is for the 19th-century reprint of the Acta Sanctorum volume, while the other URL provides a link to Pagi.
J. Bain -- 2011-07-11 17:37:59 +0000
- English
- ANTONIO PAGI, Historico-Chronological Criticisms of Cesare Baronio’s Ecclesiastical Annals. Vol. IV. (Geneva, 1727 fol.) p. 654, [reference to Hildegard] at the year 1178, n. VIII The Death of St Hildegard. (Stilting, no. 203.)
- II.9.
Acta Inquisitionis de virtutibus & miraculis (S. HILDEGARDIS). Ex Ms. Bodecensis cœnobii Regularium S. Augustini, diœcesis Paderbornensis (AA. SS. am a. o. pp. 697-701.) Vgl. p. 630 den titel:
De testimonio miraculorum sanctæ HILDEGARDIS quæ dominus ejus meritis operatus est, tam in vita ejus quam post mortem.
The original document was completed in 1233 "as part of the diocesan enquiry undertaken with a view to Hildegard's canonization (Silvas, 253)." Silvas provides an introduction and modern English translation in: Anna Silvas, Jutta & Hildegard: The Biographical Sources. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999, 252-272. The URL is to the 19th-century reprint of the original 1755 Acta Sanctorum volume.
J. Bain -- 2015-04-27 16:49:44 +0000
- English
- Proceedings of the enquiry concerning the virtues and miracles (of St. Hildegard). From the manuscript of the Augustinian convent of Böddecke, in the Diocese of Paderborn (Acta Sanctorum already cited, pp.697-701). Compare the title on p.630 [in the Acta Sanctorum]:
Concerning the testimony of the miracles of St Hildegard, which the Lord worked by his goodness, both in her life and after her death.
[Trans. J. Docking and S. Docking]
- II.10.
Acta inquisitionis de virtutibus et miraculis S. HILDEGARDIS. (Acta SS. Bolland.) MIGNE, t. 197, coll. 131- 140.
The original document was completed in 1233 "as part of the diocesan enquiry undertaken with a view to Hildegard's canonization (Silvas, 253)." Silvas provides an introduction and modern English translation in: Anna Silvas, Jutta & Hildegard: The Biographical Sources. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999, 252-272. The URL provides the Migne volume.
Jennifer Bain -- 2009-09-27 21:13:33 +0000
- English
- Proceedings of the enquiry concerning the virtues and miracles of the holy Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bain]
- II.11.
Die Acten der Untersuchung der Tugenden und Wunder der heiligen HILDEGARD. (L. CLARUS, am a. o. I. pp. 26-37.)
This is a German translation of items II.9 and II.10. (See another Clarus entry under item I.6.) It's found in a volume entitled: Leben und Schriften der heiligen Hildegard, Volume I, which is the eighth volume in the series: Sammlung der vorzüglichsten mystischen Schriften aller katholischen Völker. Regensburg: G. Joseph Manz, 1854.
Ludwig Clarus is a pseudonym for Wilhelm Gustav Werner Volk who wrote numerous lives of saints.
Jennifer Bain -- 2009-09-27 21:03:37 +0000
- English
- Proceedings of the enquiry into the virtues and miracles of the holy Hildegard. (Ludwig Clarus, already cited, pp.26-37.) [Trans. J. Bain]