- IV.1.
ALBERICUS monachus (um 1246), Chronicon ab Orbe C. usque ad a. 1241. (ed. G. G. Leibnitius, Hannoveræ 1698, 4to. Sonderdruck aus dessen Accessiones historicæ quibus potissimum continentur scriptores rerum Germanicarum et aliorum hactenus inediti sequentes. Lipsiæ 1698. I.) ad a. 1099, 1141 (Stilting, no. 351), 1153, 1155, 1170. (Vita, visiones et opera S. Hildegardis.)
"Stilting" refers to Johannes Stilting who compiled and commented on documents pertaining to Hildegard's life, published in Acta Sanctorum Vol. 44 (Antwerp: 1755). When von der Linde says "Stilting, no.351" he is referring to a paragraph number in the first large section devoted to Hildegard in the Acta Sanctorum (pp.629-679), except that in this case he got the numbering wrong (it should read paragraph 34).
J. Bain -- 2011-07-11 17:54:13 +0000
- English
- Alberic the monk (around 1246). Chronicle from the beginning of the world up until the year 1241 (editor G[odfrid] [Wilhelm] Leibniz, Hannover 1698, 4to. Special edition [extracted] from his [Leibniz'] Historical compilations, in which are contained mainly writers on German and other events until now unpublished. Leipzig 1698. I.) [Hildegard mentioned ] at the years 1099, 1141 (Stilting, no. 351), 1153, 1155, 1170. (Life, visions and works of St. Hildegard.) [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.2.
J. A. ALTSTEDIUS, Thesaurus chronologiae. (Ed. 4a. Herbornæ Nassoviorum, 1650. 8vo.) p. 389, ad a. 1170.
- English
- J. A. ALTSTEDIUS, The Thesaurus of chronology. (Ed. 4a. Herbornæ Nassoviorum [Herbs [or Herbals?] of Nassau], 1650. 8vo.) p. 389, [Hildegard mentioned] at the year 1170. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.3.
GOTTFRID ARNOLDS, Unparteyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historie. (Frankfurt am Mayn, 1699. fol.) Th. I. B. XII. Cap. IV. § 8. Hildegardis.
- English
- GOTTFRID ARNOLDS, Non-partisanal church and heretic history. (Frankfurt am Main, 1699 and following.) Part I. Vol. XII. Chap. IV. § 8. Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.4.
JOA. H. ANDREÆ, Crucenacum Palatinum cum ipsius archisatrapia. (Heidelbergæ, 1784. 4to.) pp. 214-217.
Van der Linde has left out the word "illustratum" from the end of the title.
J. Bain -- 2015-02-21 19:40:15 +0000
- English
- JOA. H. ANDREÆ, Bad Kreuznach in the Palatinate with its shire [illustrated]. (Heidelberg: 1784, 4to), pp. 214-217.
- IV.5.
F. V. ANDLAW, Die Frauen in der Geschichte. I. (Mainz, 1861. 8vo) p. 171.
- English
- F. V. ANDLAW, Women in history. I. (Mainz, 1861. 8vo) p. 171. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.6.
G. ARNOLD, Historia et descriptio Theologiae mysticae, seu Theosophiae arcanae etc. (Frankf., 1702. 8vo. Deutsch 1703.) p. 280.
- English
- G. ARNOLD, History & description of mystical theology, or esoteric Theosophy. ([Latin edition:] Frankfurt, 1702. 8vo. German [edition]: 1703.) p. 280. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.7.
P. HERMANN BÄR, Diplomatische Geschichte der Abtei Eberbach im Rheingau . . . von Dr. K. Rossel. I. (Wiesbaden, 1855. 8vo.) pp. 247- 285.
- English
- P. HERMANN BÄR, Diplomatic history of Eberbach Abbey in the Rheingau...by Dr. K. Rossel. I. (Wiesbaden, 1855. 8vo.) pp. 247- 285. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.8.
J. J. BAUER, Bibliotheca librorum rariorum universalis. II. (Nürnberg, 1771. 8vo.) p. 112. Supplem. III. (1791.) p. III.
- English
- J. J. BAUER, Universal library of rare books. II. (Nürnberg, 1771. 8vo.) p. 112. Supplement III. (1791.) p. III. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.9.
BÉRAULT-BERCASTEL. Histoire de l’église. XVII. (Besançon, 1820. 8vo.) p. 487.
The link goes to an earlier edition (Volume 6 of the 1809 edition), but takes you directly to p.255 where Hildegard is discussed.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 13:27:32 +0000
- English
- BÉRAULT-BERCASTEL. History of the Church. XVII. (Besançon, 1820. 8vo.) p. 487.
- IV.10.
JAC. PHIL. BERGOMENSIS (Foresta, • 1520), Supplementum chronicorum orbis ab initio mundi usque ad a. 1482, libri XV. (Venetiis, 1483 u. f.) ad a. 1158.
- English
- JAC. PHIL. BERGOMENSIS (Foresta, † 1520), Supplement of the world chronicle from the beginning of the world up until 1482, book XV. (Venice, 1483 u. f.) [Hildegard mentioned] at year 1158. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.11.
JUST. BLANCKWALT, Vita Hildegardis ex Trithemio. (Epistolarum liber, Colon. 1566, bl. a3.)
- English
- JUST. BLANCKWALT, The life of Hildegard according to Trithemius. (Book of letters, Cologne 1566, bl. a3.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.12.
F. J. BODMANN, Rheingauische Alterthümer. I. (Mainz, 1819. 4to.) pp. 420-422: Grobe Verirrungen der Rheing. Religiösität im Mittelalter. - Wahrsagereyen. - Etwas über jene der heiligen Hildegard.
- English
- F. J. BODMANN, Antiquities from the Rheingau. I. (Mainz, 1819. 4to.) pp. 420-422: gross confusion about the religiosity in the Rheingau during the Middle Ages. – Fortune telling. – Something about that of St. Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.13.
J. BONA, Notit. Authorum (citiert bei Tersteegen, am a. o., p. 477, anm. (oo)).
- English
- J. BONA, Notes from authors (cited by Tersteegen, already cited, p. 477, note (oo)). [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.14.
G. CHR. BRAUN, Die Rheinfart, ein Natur- und Sittengemälde des Rheinlandes in drei Gesängen. (Mainz 1824, 8vo.) pp. 278 ff.
- English
- G. CHR. BRAUN, The Rhine-journey, a portrait of nature and society in the Rhineland in three songs [cantos?]. (Mainz 1824, 8vo.) pp. 278 ff. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.15.
C. BROWERUS, Annales Trevirensium (Leodii, 1670 fol.) ad a. 1171.
William Flynn sent the URL, and notes that the reference is in Vol. 2, p.74.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-27 16:38:51 +0000
- English
- C. BROWERUS, Chronicles of Trier (Liège, 1670 fol.) [Hildegard mentioned] at the year 1171. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.16.
J[ohann] L[udolph] BÜNEMANN, Catal. Msstorum. (Mindæ, 1732. 8vo.) p. 90.
The full title is:
Catalogus MSstorum membranaceorum et chartaceorum item librorum ab inventa typographia usque ad ann. MD. et inde usque ad ann. MDLX. et ulterius, impressorum rarissimorum.
J. Bain -- 2013-04-29 10:41:04 +0000
- English
- J[ohann] L[udolph] BÜNEMANN, Catalogue of [parchment and paper] manuscripts [held, as well as of books about the invention of typography to the year 1500 and thence to the year 1560, and further of rare imprints]. (Minden, 1732. 8vo.) p. 90. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.17.
GUIL. CAVE, Historia litteraria scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, II. (Oxon. 1740. fol.) p. 684 ad a. 1170.
The link takes you directly to where the discussion on Hildegard begins, from the 1745 edition, which seems to have different pagination.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 13:51:14 +0000
- English
- GUIL. CAVE, Literary history of ecclesiastical writing, II. (Oxford, 1740. fol.) p.684 [Hildegard mentioned] at the year 1170. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.18.
Historiœ Ecclesiasticœ Vol. III. (Die fog. Centuriatores Magdeburgenses.) Basil. 1624. fol. Centuriæ XII. Cap. X. coll. 853-55: Hildegardis. col. 855: Elisabeth, abatissa Schönaugiensis.
- English
- Ecclesastical history Vol. III. (The so-called "Centuries" of Magdeburg.) Basil. 1624. fol. 12th century, chapter 10. Columns 853-55: St. Hildegard. Col. 855: Elisabeth, abbess of Schönau. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.19.
J. C. COLQUHOUN, Historische Enthüllungen über die geheimen Wissenschaften aller Zeiten und aller Völker . . . bearbeitet von Dr. Hugo Hartmann. (Weimer, 1853. 8vo.) pp. 301- 309: Geschichte der heiligen Hildegard und ihrer ekstatischen Visionen. (Titel des originals: An History of Magic, Witchcraft and Animal Magnetism. Edinburgh, 1852.)
The URL takes you to the original English edition from 1851, in which Hildegard is discussed on pp.305-315.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 13:58:06 +0000
- English
- J. C. COLQUHOUN, Historical revelations about the secret sciences of all times and all peoples...edited by Dr. Hugo Hartmann. (Weimer, 1853. 8vo.) pp. 301- 309: Story of St. Hildegard and her ecstatic visions. (Original title: An History of Magic, Witchcraft and Animal Magnetism. Edinburgh, 1852.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.20.
Conversations- Lexicon. Elfte . . . Auflage. VII. (Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus. 1866. Gr. 8vo.) pp. 921- 22: Die h. Hildegard.
- English
- Conversation dictionary, 11th edition. VII. (Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus. 1866. Gr. 8vo.) pp. 921- 22: St. Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.21.
HERM. CORNER (1402- 1437), Chronica novella usque ad a. 1435 deducta, ad a. 1140. (Stilting, no. 196.)
"Stilting" refers to Johannes Stilting who compiled and commented on documents pertaining to Hildegard's life, published in Acta Sanctorum Vol. 44 (Antwerp: 1755). When van der Linde says "Stilting, no.196" he is referring to a paragraph number in the first large section devoted to Hildegard in the Acta Sanctorum (pp.629-679).
J. Bain -- 2011-07-11 18:04:11 +0000
- English
- HERM. CORNER (1402- 1437), New chronicle drawn up until the year 1435, [reference to Hildegard found] at the year 1140. (Stilting, no. 196.) [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.22.
FRA. PET. CRATEPOLIUS, de Germaniae episcopis & orthodoxis doctoribus. (Colon. Agrip. 1592.) p. 85. S. Hildegardis. - p. 54. Elizabeth Schon.
- English
- FRA. PET. CRATEPOLIUS, Concerning bishops and orthodox teachers of Germany. (Cologne. 1592.) p. 85. St. Hildegard. - p. 54. Elizabeth Schonau. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.23.
Chronicon Antissiodorense sive anonymi [Roberti, • 1212] monachi S. Nariani Antiss. chronologia. (Paris, 1608. 4to.) ad a. 1146.
- English
- The Auxerre Chronicle or the Auxerre chronology of the anonymous monk [Roberti, died 1212] of St Narian. (Paris, 1608. 4to.) [Hildegard mentioned] at the year 1146. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.24.
M. A. DELRIO, Disquisitionum magicarum Libri IV. I. (Venet., 1746. 4to.) p. 3.
The full title is: Disquisitionum magicarum Libri Sex. Book IV starts on p.487 in this edition.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 14:14:59 +0000
- English
- M. A. DELRIO, Disquisition on magic [in six] books. [Book] IV. I. (Venice, 1746. 4to.) p. 3. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.25.
L. EL. DU PIN, Nouvelle bibliothèque des auteurs ecclésiastiques. IX. p. 185.
- English
- L. EL. DU PIN, New library of ecclesiastical authors. IX. p. 185. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.26.
J. C. EBERT, Cabinet dess gelehrten Frauen-Zimmers. (Franckf. 1706. 8vo.) pp. 184 ff.
- English
- J. C. EBERT, The cabinet of an educated gentlewoman. (Frankfurt, 1706. 8vo.) pp. 184ff. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.27.
J. ELLENDORF, Der h. Bernhard von Clairvaux und die Hierarchie seiner Zeit. (Essen, 1837. 8vo.) pp. 199-218: Anhang. Die heilige Hildegardis.
- English
- J. ELLENDORF, The holy Bernard of Clairvaux and the hierarchy of his time. (Essen, 1837. 8vo.) pp. 199-218: Appendix. St. Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.28.
FLACIUS, Catalogus testium veritatis. p. 1487 (hat «prophetias Hild. una cum quibusdam Sibillæ versiculis separatim herausgegeben.»)
- English
- FLACIUS, Catologue of witnesses to the truth. p. 1487 (has published "the prophecies of Hildegard together with certain verses of the Sybil [i.e. Hildegard] separately"). [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.29.
CLAUD. FLEURII abbatis Historia ecclesiastica. t. XVII. (August. Vind. 1762. Kl. 8vo.) pp. 133-136: Revelationes S. Hildegardis.
- English
- CLAUD. FLEURII abbot, Ecclesiastical history. t. XVII. (August. Vind. 1762. Kl. 8vo.) pp. 133—136: St. Hidegard’s revelations. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.30.
W. D. FUHRMANN, Handwörterbuch der christl. Religions- und Kirchengeschichte. (Halle, 1826-29. 8vo.) II. unter Hildegard.
"Hildegard" is on pp.302-3.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 14:54:21 +0000
- English
- W. D. FUHRMANN, Concise dictionary about Christian religious and church history. (Halle, 1826—29. 8vo.) Vol. II. under "Hildegard". [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.31.
PH. W. GERCKEN, Reisen durch Schwaben, etc. III. (Stendal 1786. 8vo.) pp. 95, 97.
The pagination should be 95-6, 97.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 14:58:32 +0000
- English
- PH. W. GERCKEN, Journeys through Swabia, etc. III. (Stendal 1786. 8vo.) pp. 95, 97. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.32.
JOS. GÖRRES, Die christliche Mystik. I. (Regensburg, 1836. 8vo.) p. 285; II. pp. 152, 210.
There are two URLs provided, the first for Vol. 1 and the second for Vol. 2.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 15:01:43 +0000
- English
- JOS. GÖRRES, Christian mysticism. Vol. I. (Regensburg, 1836. 8vo.) p. 285; Vol. II. pp. 152, 210. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.33.
J. G. TH. GRÄSSE, Lehrbuch einer allgemeinen Literärgeschichte. 2. Bd. 2. Abth. I. Hälfte. (Dresden, 1840. 8vo.) pp. 140, 558.
- English
- J. G. TH. GRÄSSE, Textbook for a general history of literature. Vol. 2. Part 2. First half. (Dresden, 1840. 8vo.) pp. 140, 558. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.34.
VAL. FERD. DE GUDENUS, Codex diplomaticus. (Gœttingæ, 1743. 4to.) pp. 229, 245. t. V. p. 1110.
Volume 1 is found at the first URL, and Volume 5 at the second.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 15:15:52 +0000
- English
- VAL. FERD. DE GUDENUS, Codex diplomaticus [Collected Historical Documents]. (Göttingen, 1743. 4to.) pp. 229, 245. Vol. 5, p. 1110. [Trans. S Docking]
- IV.35.
W. GÜNTHER, Codex diplomaticus Rheno-Mosellanus. I. (Coblenz, 1822. 8vo.) p. 448 (I).
- English
- W. GÜNTHER, Codex diplomaticus [Collected Historical Documents] for the Rhine-Moselle region. I. (Koblenz, 1822. 8vo.) p. 448 (I). [Trans. S. Docking]
- IV.36.
F. H. v. d. HAGEN. Minnesinger. III. (Leipzig, 1838. 4to.) p. 468h, col. 2, n. 4. («Nu wil ich vröude twingen. Sibilla, sage mir durch Krist. . . Vrou Hildegart von Bingen, in der buoche geschriben ist,» u. s. w.)
The second URL is the third volume listed by Van der Linde, but his reference is not on p.468. I haven't been able to locate the poem in this volume (if you find it, please let me know!). I have, however, found a reference to the line from the poem in a couple of other sources on German song. The first URL will take you to Nachträge und Korrekturen, edited by Burghart Wachinger, to the page that the reference appears in an entry on Hildegard written by Michael Embach.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 20:01:23 +0000
- English
- F. H. v. d. Hagen. Ministrels. III. (Leipzig, 1838. 4to.) p. 468h, col. 2, n. 4. ("Now I want to press together with joy. Sybil, tell me through Christ … Lady Hildegard of Bingen, in the book it is written," Etc.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.37.
CHRYSOST. HENRIQUEZ, Menologium Cistericens. (Antverpiæ, 1630. fol.) p. 316. (Stilting, no. 26.)
Saints are described on every day of the month.
J. Bain -- 2015-02-23 10:58:24 +0000
- English
- CHRYSOST. HENRIQUEZ, Monthly Cistercian Almanac. (Antwerp, 1630. Subsequent edition[s].) p. 316. (Stilting, no. 26.) [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.38.
W. O. VON HORN (W. Œrtel), Der Rhein. Geschichte und Sagen. (Wiesbaden, 1867. 8vo.), pp. 156, 173-179.
- English
- W. O. VON HORN (W. Oertel), The Rhine. History and legends. (Wiesbaden, 1867. 8vo.), pp. 156, 173-179. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.39.
GEO. CHR. IOANNIS, Tabularum litterarumque ueterum usque huc nondum editarum Spicilegium. (Francof. ad Moen., 1724. 8vo.) pp. 69-248: Diplomatarium Disibodenbergense. Mit einem kupserstich: Rudera coenobii Disibodenbergensis. Vgl.: Index IV, Hildegardis.
- English
- GEO. CHR. IOANNIS, Documents of ancient literature until now not yet published. (Frankfurt on the Main, 1724. 8vo.) pp. 69-248: Documents of Disibodenberg. With a copperplate: Ruins of Disibodenberg monastery. Compare the index IV, Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.40.
CHR. G. JÖCHER, Allgem. Gelehrten-Lexicon, II. (Leipzig, 1750. 4to.) col. 1601: Hildegardis, eine gelehrte Aebtissin, u. s. w. unterzeichnet: C. O. T. Fa.
- English
- CHR. G. JÖCHER, General academic dictionary, II. (Leipzig, 1750. 4to.) col. 1601: St. Hildegard, an educated abbess, etc., signed: C. O. T. Fa. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.41.
DR. JOSEPH ASCHBACH, Allg. Kirchen-Lexikon. III. (Mainz, 1850. 8vo.) pp. 275-278: Kaufmann, Hildegart vom Rupertsberg.
- English
- DR. JOSEPH ASCHBACH, General church dictionary. III. (Mainz, 1850. 8vo.) pp. 275-278: Kaufmann, "Hildegard of Rupertsberg". [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.42.
Dr. G. KLEMM, Die Frauen. Culturhistorische Schilderungen. IV. (Dresden, 1857. 8vo.) pp. 154-156[sup]51.
- English
- Dr. G. KLEMM, Women. Cultural-historical portrayals. IV. (Dresden, 1857. 8vo.) pp. 154-156[sup]51. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.43.
F. X. KRAUS, Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte. II. (Trier, 1873. 8vo.) p. 358, § 10.
- English
- F. X. KRAUS, Textbook on church history. II. (Trier, 1873. 8vo.) p. 358, § 10. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.44.
JOH. LAICUS, Legende der Heiligen. Im Vereine mit Anderen herausgegeben. II. (Mainz, 1854. 12mo.) pp. 97-120: Ida Hahn-Hahn, Die heilige Hildegardis. Vgl. p. 163: «Diese Schriften (der heil. Brigitta, 1302-73), wie die der hl. Hildegard . . . wurden und werden nie als Glaubensartikel [!] von der hl. Kirche aufgestellt, sondern nur empfohlen als sehr erbaulich und ganz im Geist der katholischen Gleubenslehre abgefaszt.»
- English
- JOH. LAICUS, Legends of the Saints. Edited in association with others. II. (Mainz, 1854. 12mo.) pp. 97-120: Ida Hahn-Hahn, "St. Hildegard". Compare. p. 163: "This writing (of St. Brigitta, 1302-73), as well as that of St. Hildegard...were never and will never be listed as an article of faith by the Holy Church, but rather taken only as very edifying and composed in the spirit of Catholic teaching of faith". [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.45.
N. LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Recueil de dissertations anciennes et nouvelles sur les apparitions, les visions et les songes. IV. (Paris, 1752. 12mo.) (Table et bibliographie.)
- English
- LENGLET DU FRESNOY, Collection of ancient and new dissertations concerning apparitions, visions and dreams. IV. (Paris, 1752. 12mo.) (Index and bibliography.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.46.
Derselbe [N. LENGLET DU FRESNOY], Traité historique et dogmatique sur les apparitions, les visions, et les révélations particulières. (Paris 1751. 12mo.) Chap. X.
Hildegard is in Chapter X, section VIII (pp.262-264).
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 22:32:17 +0000
- English
- Idem. [N. LENGLET DU FRESNOY], Historical and dogmatic treatise concerning apparitions, visions and particular revelations. (Paris 1751. 12mo.) Chapter X. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.47.
G. LECHLER, Johann von Wiclif und die Vorgeschichte der Reformation. II. (Leipzig, 1873. 8vo.) pp. 129, 328.
- English
- G. LECHLER, Johann von Wiclif and the pre-history of the Reformation. II. (Leipzig, 1873. 8vo.) pp. 129, 328. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.48.
CASPAR LERCH VON DIRMSTEIN, Von dem Ursprunge, Herkommen, Privilegien und Freiheiten des uralten adelichen Klosters Rupertsberg bei Bingen &c. 4to.
- English
- CASPAR LERCH VON DIRMSTEIN, Of the origin, usage, privileges, and liberties of the immemorial noble monastery of Rupertsberg, near Bingen etc. 4to. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.49.
Diverse alte Nachrichten de annis antiquis das jus patronatus das Closter St. Rupertsberg bey Bingen betreffend. (Katalog des histor. vereins in Darmstadt.)
- English
- Various old accounts from ancient times concerning the right of protection for the monastery of St. Rupertsberg near Bingen. (Catalogue of Historical Society in Darmstadt.) [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.50.
Päpstlich konfirmirte Freyheiten, sambt Schutz und Schirm des hochadeligen freyen geistlichen Klosterstifts zu Sanct Rupertsberg und Eibingen ordinis St. Benedicti, zur Zeit der hochwürdigen, hochwohlgebornen Freifrauen Mariae Antonettae Muhl von Ulmen Abbatissin und Annae Catharinae von Kerpen Priorin. Koblenz, 1732. Folio. 7 pp. 5 bll. Kaiserlich und Erzbischöflich konfirmirte Freyheiten u. s. w. des Klosters Rupertsberg. Koblenz, 1732. 23 pp.
- English
- Papally confirmed freedoms, including the protection and the patronage of the noble free holy monastic foundation at St. Rupertsberg and Eibingen, at the time of the reverend, high-born freewoman Maria Antoinette Muhl of Ulm (abbess) and Anna Catherina of Kerpen (prioress). Koblenz, 1732. Folio 7, pp. 5 bll. Imperial and archiepiscopal confirmed liberties, etc. of the Rupertsberg monastery. Koblenz, 1732. 23 pp. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.51.
POLYC. LEYSER, Historia poëtarum et poëmatum medii aevi. (Halæ, 1721. 8vo.) p. 437.
- English
- POLYC. LEYSER, History of poets and poems of the Middle Ages. (Halle, 1721. 8vo.) p. 437. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.52.
JOH. MABILLON, Acta Sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti in saeculorum classes distributa. Saeculum I- VI. (500- 1100.) Lut. Paris. 1668- 1701. fol. t. VI. pp. 353, 431.
- English
- JOH. MABILLON, Acts of the saints of the order of St. Benedict arranged by centuries. Centuries I-VI. (500-1100.) Lut. Paris. 1668- 1701. See Vol. VI. pp. 353, 431. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.53.
Derselbe [JOH. MABILLON], Veterum Analectorum t. II. p. 548. (Stilting, no. 194.)
- English
- Idem [JOH. MABILLON], Annals of the ancients. Vol. II. p. 548. (Stilting, no. 194.) [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.54.
ANG. MANRICUS, Annales Cisterciens. ad a. 1148. (Lyon, 1642. fol.) p. 101. (cf. AA. SS. 20 Augusti, in S. Bernardo p. 193; Mabillon, Annales ord. S. Benedicti. t. VI. ed. Martene 1739, p. 410; Stilting, no. 23).
- English
- ANG. MANRICUS, Annals of the Cistercians. [Hildegard mentioned] at the year 1148. (Lyon, 1642. Subsequent edition[s].) p. 101. (compare AA. SS. [Acta Sanctorum] August 20th, for St. Bernard p. 193; Mabillon, Annals of the Order of St. Benedict. Vol. VI. ed. Martene 1739, p. 410; Stilting [also Acta Sanctorum, but volume 5 for September, under Sept. 17, Hildegard, paragrah] no. 23). [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.55.
MATTHAEUS PARIS, Benedictinus monachus St. Albani (‡ 1259), Chronicon ab a. 1066- 1259. (Londini, 1571. u. ö. fol.) ad a. 1241.
- English
- MATTHEW PARIS, Benedictine monk of St. Albans (died 1259), Chronicle from the year 1066 to 1259. (London, 1571. Appears frequently in other places subsequently.) [Hildegard referenced] at the year 1241. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.56.
J. MEYER, Das grosze Conversations-Lexicon für die gebildeten Stände. XV. (Hildburghausen, 1850. Gr. 8vo.) pp. 761- 62: Die h. Hildegard.
- English
- J. MEYER, The large conversation dictionary for the educated classes. Vol. XV. (Hildburghausen, 1850. Gr. 8vo.) pp. 761- 62: St. Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.57.
JOH. MICRÆLLII, Historia ecclesiastica (ed. 5. Lipsiæ, 1699. 4to.), pp. 487, 590: Hildegardis vates.
- English
- JOH. MICRÆLLII, Ecclesiastical history (5th Edition. Leipzig, 1699. 4to.), pp. 487, 590: Hildegard the prophetess. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.58.
DR. AUG. NEANDER, Allg. Geschichte der christl. Religion und Kirche. (V. I. Hamburg, 1841. 8vo.) pp. 417-423. Vgl. V. 2. p. 1150: Hildegard, ihre grosze Verehrung, Ermahnungen und Rathschläge, Strafreden gegen den Klerus und Weissagungen.
The URL is to the second part of Volume V, and includes the reference to Hildegard on p.1150. Although I've found a Volume V, part 1, the pagination ends before p.417.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 23:17:47 +0000
- English
- DR. AUG. NEANDER, General history of the Christian religion and church. (V. I. Hamburg, 1841. 8vo.) pp. 417-423. Compare Vol. 2. p. 1150: Hildegard, her great veneration, admonishments, and advisements, condemnatory sermons against the clergy, and prognostications. [Trans. J. Bock and J. Bain]
- IV.59.
Derselbe [DR. AUG. NEANDER], Der h. Bernhard und sein Zeitalter. (2. aufl. Hamburg, 1848. 8vo.) pp. 210, 300.
Although this seems to be the same year and edition, the pagination in the digitized book I found is completely different. A substantial section on Hildegard appears on pp.359-374, with additional references on: 356n.1, 385, 388, and 418.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 23:31:35 +0000
- English
- Idem [DR. AUG. NEANDER], St. Bernhard and his time. (2nd edition, Hamburg, 1848. 8vo.) pp. 210, 300. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.60.
J. G. OLEARII, Biblioth. script. eccles. cum praef. Buddei, I. (Jenæ, 1711. 4to.) p. 341.
- English
- J. G. OLEARII, Library of ecclesiastical writings. With preface by [Johann Franz] Buddeus. Vol. I. (Jena, 1711. 4to.) p. 341. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.61.
DR. J. C. PASSAVANT, Untersuchungen über den Lebensmagnetismus und das Hellsehen. (Frankfurt a. M., 1837. 8vo.) pp. 177 ff.
- English
- DR. J. C. PASSAVANT, Investigations about life’s magnetism and clairvoyance. (Frankfurt on the Main, 1837. 8vo.) pp. 177 ff. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.62.
DR. REGINALD PECOCK (geb. um 1395), The Repressor. (ed. Churchill Babington. London, 1860. Gr. 8vo.) II. pp. 483 ff.
- English
- DR. REGINALD PECOCK (born c.1395), The Repressor. (ed. Churchill Babington. London, 1860. Gr. 8vo.) Vol. II. pp. 483 ff. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.63.
PROF. DR. MAXIMILIAN PERTY, Der jetzige Spiritualismus und verwandte Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. (Leipzig, 1877. 8vo.) p. 280. «Ueber amerikanische Mittler, die von Geistern inspirirt automatisch schreiben, sprechen, musiciren, zeichnen, malen,» und deren «Sprachen, Schriften, Zeichnungen bisweilen zwar merkwürdig genug, aber unverständlich sind,» vgl. besonders p. 68.
- English
- PROF. DR. MAXIMILIAN PERTY, The current spiritualism and related experiences in the past and in the present. (Leipzig, 1877. 8vo.) p. 280. "About American mediums, who, inspired by ghosts, automatically write, speak, make music, draw, paint," and whose "language, writings, drawings, although sometimes strange enough, are unintelligible." Compare especially p. 68. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.64.
G. H. PERTZ, Monumenta Germaniæ historica. Scriptorum tomus XVI. (Hannoveræ, 1859. fol.) pp. 90, 330-332. (Annales Stadenses.)
- English
- G. H. PERTZ, Historical Monuments of Germany. Authors vol. XVI. (Hannover,1859. Subsequent edition[s].) pp. 90, 330-332. (Annals of [Albert of?] Stade.) [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.65.
BERN. PEZ. Thesaurus anecdotorum novissimus seu Veterum monumentorum, prœcipue ecclesiasticorum ex Germanicis potissimum bibliothecis adornata collectio novissima. (Aug. Vindelic. 1721- 29) fol. II. coll. 519. (Stilting, no. 186.)
I could not find any reference to Hildegard in a column 519 of any of volumes 1-6. I did find a reference to her on p.356 in Volume 6, and the URL links to this volume.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 00:05:56 +0000
- English
- BERN[ard] PEZ. New Thesaurus of histories or ancient treasures, principally ecclesiastical, especially from German libaries, a collection very recently adorned (Augsburg [and Graz] 1721- 29) See [Vol.] II. coll. 519. (Stilting, no. 186.) [Trans. S. Docking]
- IV.66.
DR. HŒFER, Nouvelle biographie générale. XXIV. (Paris, Firmin Didot frères. 1861, 8vo.) coll. 673-675: Z. PIERART, Sainte Hildegarde.
- English
- DR. HOEFER, New general biography. XXIV. (Paris, Didot brothers. 1861, 8vo.) coll. 673-675: Z. PIERART, "Saint Hildegard". [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.67.
PIERER’S Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. VIII. Altenburg, 1859. Gr. 8vo.) p. 374: Hildegard.
- English
- PIERER’S Universal dictionary of the past and the present. VIII. Altenburg, 1859. Gr. 8vo.) p. 374: Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.68.
J. C. V. PFISTER, Geschichte der Teutschen. (Hamburg, 1829-35. 8vo.) II. p. 355.
- English
- J. C. V. PFISTER, History of the Germans. (Hamburg, 1829-35. 8vo.) Vol. II. p. 355. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.69.
P. POIRET, Epist. de prœcipuorum Mysticorum principiis & charact. p. 589.
- English
- P. POIRET, Letters of famous mystics [by principles and characters?], p. 589. [Trans. S. Docking]
- IV.70.
AUG. POTTHAST, Bibliotheca historica medii aevi. (Berlin, 1862. 8vo.) pp. 293, 329, 368, 565, 670, 683, 743, 876; supplem. p. 154.
- English
- AUG. POTTHAST, Historical Library of the Middle Ages. (Berlin, 1862. 8vo.) pp. 293, 329, 368, 565, 670, 683, 743, 876; supplem. p. 154. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.71.
LIC. WILHELM PREGER, Die Schriften der Hildegard von Bingen und der Elisabeth von Schönau. (Geschichte der deutschen Mystik im Mittelalter, Leipzig. 1874, 8vo. pp. 13- 43.) Das religionsgeschichtlich-psychologische Hildegardisproblem wird hier nicht gelöst sondern einfach ausgelöscht.
- English
- LIC. WILHELM PREGER, The writings of Hildegard of Bingen and Elizabeth of Schönau. (History of German mysticism in the Middle Ages, Leipzig. 1874, 8vo. pp. 13-43.) The historical, religious and psychological Hildegard-problem is not solved, but simply wiped out. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.72.
A. RÄSS und N. Weis, Leben der Väter und Märtyrer. (Mainz, 1821, 1837 ff. 8vo.) XIII. p. III.
The discussion of Hildegard is on pp.108-113 (not on p.III).
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 00:27:54 +0000
- English
- A. RÄSS und N. Weis, Lives of the [Church] fathers and martyrs. (Mainz, 1821, 1837 ff. 8vo.) XIII. p. III. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.73.
ODORICUS RAYNALDUS, Annales ecclesiastic. t. XIII. p. 455 ad a. 1237, num. 50; p. 424 ad a. 1243, num. 39; vgl. WÜRDTWEIN, Nov. Subs. dipl. IX. (1787) pp. 12, 34; Viterbo. Supplicantibus nobis. Lateran. Supplicantibus olim. Joh. TRITHEMIUS, Chron. Hirsaug. ad a. 1317. (Stilting, n. 212, 213.)
- English
- ODORICUS RAYNALDUS, Ecclesiastical Annals. Vol. XIII. p. 455 [Hildegard mentioned] at the year 1237, no. 50; p.424 at the year 1243, no. 39; compare WÜRDTWEIN, New supporting documents..., Vol.IX. (1787) pp. 12, 34; [Letters concerning Hildegard's proposed canonization]: Viterbo. Supplicantibus nobis. Lateran. Supplicantibus olim. Joh. TRITHEMIUS, Chronicle of Hirsau. [Hildegard referenced] at the year 1317. (Stilting, n. 212, 213.) [Trans. S. Docking and J. Bain]
- IV.74.
JOH. PHIL. VON REIFFENBERG (1645-1722), Abhandlung über die Prophezeiungen der h. Hildegard. (Nicht gedruckt. J. Marx, Geschichte des Erzstifts Trier. II. 1859. p. 515.) v. Stramberg sagt, am a. o. p. 539: «Die Prophezeiungen zu deuten, und spätern Zeiten anzuwenden, hat der Trierische Geschichtschreiber, J. Ph. v. Reifenberg, mit weniger Glück, als gutem Willen sich bemüht.»
- English
- JOH. PHIL. VON REIFFENBERG (1645-1722), Treatise on the prophecies of St. Hildegard. (Not printed. J. Marx, History of the Archdiocese of Trier. II. 1859. p. 515.) v. Stramberg says, cited here p. 539: « J. Ph. v. Reifenberg, the Trier historian strives with less luck than good will to interpret and apply the prophecies in later times.» [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.75.
JOH. FRIEDR. REIMANS, Versuch einer Einleitung in die Historiam literariam. II. (Halle, 1709. 8vo.) pp. 204- 6, frage 96. Was soll ich denn von der Hildegardis insonderheit behalten? pp. 307-8, fr. 223. Was soll die H. Hildegardis hie in der Riege derer Physicorum mit machen? («wir müssen ihr auch die Ehre lassen, dasz sie unter denen Teutschen die erste sey, welche eine Physicam geschrieben.»)
- English
- JOH. FRIEDR. REIMANS, Attempt at an introduction to literary history. II. (Halle, 1709. 8vo.) pp. 204- 6, question 96. What in particular should I keep of Hildegard? pp. 307-8, fr. 223. Why should St. Hildegard join the ranks of the natural sciences? (We must also give her the honor that she was the first among these Germans who wrote a natural science book.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.76.
F. X. REMLING, Urkundliche Geschichte der ehemaligen Abteien und Klöster im jetzigen Rheinbayern. I. (Neustadt a. d. Haardt, 1836. 8vo.) pp. 15- 17, 159.
- English
- F. X. REMLING, Documentary history of the former abbeys and monasteries in the present day Rhine Bavaria. I. (Neustadt on the Haardt, 1836. 8vo.) pp. 15- 17, 159. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.77.
Dr. F. W. RETTBERG, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands. (Göttingen, 1848. 8vo.) I. p. 587- 89, 5.
- English
- Dr. F. W. RETTBERG, Church history of Germany. (Göttingen, 1848. 8vo.) I. p. 587- 89, 5. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.78.
HERZOG, Real-Encyclopädie für protest. Theologie und Kirche, VI., 1856, p. 95: REUCHLIN, Hildegard.
The URL takes you to an 1880 edition of the same encyclopedia. The article on Hildegard is on pp.112-113 in this edition.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 12:10:58 +0000
- English
- HERZOG, Reliable Encyclopedia for Protestant Theology and [the Protestant] Church, VI., 1856, p. 95: REUCHLIN, "Hildegard". [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.79.
Dr. F. A. REUSS, De vita et scriptis S. Hildegardis notitia. (Migne, t. 197, coll. 139-144.)
- English
- Dr. F. A. REUSS, The life and writings of the famous St. Hildegard. (Migne, vol. 197, coll. 139-144.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.80.
Rhenania p. 119 (abbildung des Hildegardsbrünchens).
- English
- Rhenish p. 119 (Figure of Hildegard’s small fountain). [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.81.
ERICUS RHONÆUS NEOPATRENSIS, Idea reform. Antichristi. t. I. p. II. sect. III. cap. XXVII. pag. 380. (Ioannis, Res Moguntiacae, p. 200b.)
Van der Linde appears to have got the Rhonaeus citation directly from Ioannis, who lists the volume number etc. exactly as it is here. The original volume, however, does not have a chapter 27 in this section, and p.380 has no reference to Hildegard whatsoever. In the preceding 7 or 8 pages, there are many references to Bernard of Clairvaux, but the Hildegard passage cited by Ioannis is nowhere to be found.
J. Bain -- 2015-02-24 12:27:17 +0000
- English
- ERICUS RHONÆUS [anagrammatic pseudonym for Heinricus Oraeus] NEOPATRENSIS, Ideas of the reforming Antichrist. Vol. I. Part II. Sect. III. Chap. XXVII. page 380. (Ioannis, Mainz history, p. 200b.) [Trans. S. Docking]
- IV.82.
D. A. ROSENTHAL, Convertitenbilder aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert. I. 3. (Schaffhausen, 1872. 8vo.) p. 147. (Wilhelm Volk= Ludwig Clarus.) Vgl. NIPPOLD, Welche Wege führen nach Rom. (Heidelberg, 1869. 8vo.) p. 285.
- English
- D. A. ROSENTHAL, Images of Convert from the nineteenth century. I. 3. (Schaffhausen, 1872. 8vo.) p. 147. (Wilhelm Volk= Ludwig Clarus.) Compare NIPPOLD, Which roads lead to Rome. (Heidelberg, 1869. 8vo.) p. 285. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.83.
H. RÜCKERT, Culturgeschichte des deutschen Volkes. II. (Leipzig, 1854. 8vo.) p. 419. anm. 51.
- English
- H. RÜCKERT, Cultural history of the German people. II. (Leipzig, 1854. 8vo.) p. 419, note 51. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.84.
JOA. SARESBERIENSIS, Epistolarum S. Thomœ († 1170) lib. I. Epist. 117. (Stilting, no. 34.)
The link is to Stilting in the Acta Sanctorum.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 12:20:51 +0000
- English
- JOA. SARESBERIENSIS, Letters of St. Thomas (died 1170) Book I. Letter 117. (Stilting, no.34.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.85.
CHR. SAXIUS, Onomasticon literarium. (Traj. ad Rhen. 1775 8vo.) II. p. 241.
The entry for Hildegard is found on pp.239-240, not on p.241 (it looks like this edition might be 2 years later from what van der Linde was looking at). The date for the entry is c.1146.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 12:29:29 +0000
- English
- CHR. SAXIUS, Literary Onomasticon. (Utrecht, 1775 8vo.) Vol. II. p. 241. [Trans. S. Docking]
- IV.86.
HARTMANN SCHEDEL, Liber chronicarum ab O. C. (Nuremberge, Koberger, 12. juli 1493. fol. Mit holzschnitten von Wolgemut und Pleydenwurff.) Folium CCI (S. Registrum). Hildegardis virgo admirabilis spirituz habuit prophetie. Bl. 201V. ein holzschnitt: Hildegardis (mit heiligenschein und palmenzweig). Deutsch, mit denselben holzschnitten, Nürmberg 1493, Auspurg 1496 u. 1500.
f.201v is p.448 in the search bar.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 12:40:57 +0000
- English
- HARTMANN SCHEDEL, The book of chronicles from the beginning of the world [ab origine mundi or ab initio mundi]. (Nuremberg: Koberger, July 12th, 1493. Subsequent edition[s]. With woodcuts by Wolgemut and Pleydenwurff.) Folio: CCI (See register). The virgin Hildegard had a wonderful spirit of prophecy. Fol. 201v. A woodcut: Hildegard (with halo and palm branch). In a German edition, with the same woodcuts, Nuremberg 1493, Augsburg 1496 and 1500. [Trans. J. Bock and J. Bain]
- IV.87.
Dr. H. B. SCHINDLER, Der Aberglaube des Mittelalters. (Breslau, 1858. 8vo.) p. 251- 52.
- English
- Dr. H. B. SCHINDLER, The superstition of the Middle Ages. (Breslau, 1858. 8vo.) p. 251- 52. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.88.
(J. PH. SCHMELZEIS), Die Werke der heiligen Hildegardis und ihr neuester Kritiker. (Historisch-politische Blätter, Bd. 76. München, 1875. 8vo. pp. 604-628, 659-689.) Wider Preger.
- English
- (J. PH. SCHMELZEIS), The works of St. Hildegard and her latest critic. (Historical and Political Pages, volume 76. Munich, 1875. 8vo. pp. 604-628, 659-689.) Against Preger. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.89.
J. S. ERSCH und J. G. GRUBER, Allg. Encyclopädie. Zweite Section. VIII. (Leipzig, 1831. 4to.) pp. 126-130. H. Schmid, Die h. Hildegard.
The URL takes you to the 1818 edition, but the pagination is identical.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 12:47:57 +0000
- English
- J. S. ERSCH und J. G. GRUBER, General Encyclopedia. Second section. VIII. (Leipzig, 1831. 4to.) pp. 126-130. H. Schmid, "St. Hildegard". [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.90.
H. SCHMID, Der Mysticismus des Mittelalters. (Jena, 1824. 8vo.) pp. 83 ff.
The discussion of Hildegard begins on p.82, not p.83.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 12:51:59 +0000
- English
- H. SCHMID, The mysticism of the Middle Ages. (Jena, 1824. 8vo.) pp. 83 ff. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.91.
DR. SCHMITT, Das Helenenbad zu Bingen. (1844.) p. 31.
The section pertaining to Hildegard is on pp.55-59. Page 31 describes a walk to take on the Rochuskapelle. There is an association with Hildegard and the Rochuskapelle, but that isn't mentioned here. (When the Rochuskapelle was rebuilt in 1814, Hildegard's monastery at Eibingen had just been dissolved. The villagers in Bingen purchased furnishings from the Eibingen monastery to outfit the new chapel. I talk about this in Hildegard of Bingen and Musical Reception: the Modern Revival of a Medieval Composer (Cambridge: 2015), 38-41.)
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 13:06:28 +0000
- English
- DR. SCHMITT, The Helen spa in Bingen. (1844.) p. 31. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.92.
JOH. MATT. SCHRÖCKH, Christliche Kirchengeschichte. XXVIII. (Leipzig, 1799. 8vo.) pp. 16- 28: Offenbarungen der heil. Hildegardis. pp. 28- 31: Gesichter der heil. Elisabeth.
- English
- JOH. MATT. SCHRÖCKH, Christian Church History. XXVIII. (Leipzig, 1799. 8vo.) pp. 16- 28: St. Hildegard’s Revelations. pp. 28- 31: The visions of St. Elisabeth. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.93.
JOH. PET. SCHUNK, Beyträge zur Mainzer Geschichte. I. (Mainz, 1788. Kl. 8vo.) pp. 453- 455: Hildegard von Bingen. II. p. 130; III. pp. 43, 176.
- English
- JOH. PET. SCHUNK, Contributions to the history of Mainz. I. (Mainz, 1788. Kl. 8vo.) pp. 453- 455: Hildegard of Bingen. II. p. 130; III. pp. 43, 176. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.94.
MARGARETHA VON STAFFEL (wittwe Adam’s von Allendorf † 1471 im kloster Eberbach) soll Hildegards leben nicht one schwung rhytmisch beschrieben haben. (Helwich, Geneal. der H H. v. Staffel, handschrift; vgl. BODMANN am a. o. pp. 298, 552.)
- English
- MARGARETHA VON STAFFEL (Adam von Allendorf’s widow † 1471 in the abbey Eberbach) Hildegard's life should not have been described without rhythmic momentum. (Helwich, Genealogy of St. Hildegard by Staffel, manuscript; compare BODMANN cited here, pp. 298, 552.) [Trans. J. Bock and J. Bain]
- IV.95.
F. L. STOLBERG, Geschichte der Religion Jesu Christi. XLII. (Mainz, 1846. 8vo.) pp. 83- 90, 614- 617.
- English
- F. L. STOLBERG, History of the religion of Jesus Christ. XLII. (Mainz, 1846. 8vo.) pp. 83- 90, 614- 617. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.96.
GOTTL. STOLLE, Anleitung zur Historie der Theol. Gelahrtheit. (Jena, 1739. 4to.) p. 333 (im register. falsch 233). «Von der heil. Hildegardis, einer teutschen Aebtissin handelt . . . HEDERICH p. 998. sq . . . Dasz sie eine Prophetin hat feyn wollen, gefällt mir nicht. »
- English
- GOTTL. STOLLE, Guide to the History of theological scholarship. (Jena, 1739. 4to.) p. 333 (in the index, wrongly listed as p. 233). « About the Holy Hildegard, a German abbess. . . HEDERICH p. 998. sq . . . That she wanted to be a prophetess, I do not like. » [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.97.
(V. STRAMMBERG:) Rheinischer Antiquarius. - Mittelrhein. Der II. Abth. 9. Band. (Coblenz, 1860. 8vo.) pp. 520-542: Die h. Hildegard. Vgl. p. 394: Der Rupertsberg. - Der II. Abth. 2. Bd. p. 535.
- English
- (V. STRAMMBERG:) Rhenish antiquities - Middle Rhine. Second Division, Vol. 9, (Coblenz, 1860. 8vo.) pp. 520-542: "Saint Hildegard". Compare p. 394: The Rupertsberg. - 2nd Division, Vol. 2, p. 535. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.98.
Biographie universelle. XX. (Paris, 1817. 8vo.) p. 381: Tabaraud, Ste. Hildegarde.
- English
- Universal biography. XX. (Paris, 1817. 8vo.) p. 381: Tabaraud, "St. Hildegard". [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.99.
JOH. TAULER, Medulla animae, cap. 62. Vgl. Vaticina (sic) quaedam sive prophetiae sublimis ac illuminati theologi D. IOANNIS THAULERI, in vetustis codicibus repertae (Epistolarum liber, Colon. 1566, bl. a 3 verso- bl. a 4 verso). Aus diesen interpolationen entstand allmälig der bibliografische mythus: TAULERI Praefatio in Epistolas Hildegardianas.
Chapter 62 is pp.541-547.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 13:24:28 +0000
- English
- JOH. TAULER, Marrow of the soul, chapter 62. Compare: A prediction or prophecy of the sublime and enlightened theologian, D. John Tauler, found in old manuscripts. ([Hildegard], Book of Letters, Cologne. 1566, bl. a 3 verso- bl. a 4 verso). From these interpolations gradually formed the bibliographic myth: TAULER, Preface to the letters of Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock and J. Bain]
- IV.100.
(G. TER STEEGEN), Auserlesene Lebensbeschreibungen Heiliger Seelen. In welchen . . . hauptsächlich angemerket werden die innere Führungen Gottes über Sie und die mannigfaltige Austheilungen seiner Gnaden in Ihnen; . . . aus verschiedenen glaubwürdigen Urkunden . . . III. Bd. 3. Edition. (Essen, Z. Bädeker. 1786. 4to.) pp. 475- 508: XXIII. Stück: in sich haltend das Leben der H. Hildegard. (Nach dem Scivias, Paris 1513, und dem Liber epistolarum, Köln 1566.)
- English
- (G. TER STEEGEN), Exquisite biographies of Holy Souls. In which noted chiefly the inner guidance of God on them and the varied dispensations of his grace in them;. . . from different credible documents. Volume 3. 3rd edition. (Essen: Z. Bädeker, 1786. 4to.) pp. 475-508: XXIII. Piece: including the life of the holy Hildegard. (Following Scivias, Paris 1513, and the Book of Letters, Cologne 1566.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.101.
Theologisches Universal-Lexikon. (Elberfeld, 1874. Gr. 8vo.) I. p. 354: Die heilige Hildegard.
This is the 1869 edition, but the entry is there on p.354.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 13:30:22 +0000
- English
- Universal theological encyclopedia. (Elberfeld, 1874. Gr. 8vo.) I. p. 354: the holy Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.102.
JOH. DE TRITTENHEM, Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. Ex Spanhem. 1492. (Basiliæ, 1494. fol.) Fol. 61: Hildegardis monialis.
Note that there are two foliations. Folio 61 is numbered on the inside top right; easier to see is f.143 in red on the outside top right.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 13:36:59 +0000
- English
- JOH. Trithemius, A book of ecclesiastical writers. From [Frederic] Spanhem, 1492. (Basel, 1494. Subsequent editions.) Folio 61: the nun Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.103.
JOH. TRITHEMIUS, Opera historica, (ed. Marqvard Freher. Francoforti, 1601. fol.) I. Catalogus illustrium uirorum, p. 138. De Scriptoribus ecclesiast. p. 281.- II. Chronica monasterii Hirsaugiensis, diœc.Spirensis, ord. S. Benedicti, ab A. C. 830 usque ad A. 1370. (pp. 133-136: Libri quos S. H. per revelationes composuit. p. 145, ad a. 1160: S. Hild. venit Hirsaugiam. p. 156, ad a. 1180 [!] S. Hild. moritur.) Chronicon huius monasterii Sponheimensis. p. 247 ad a. 1436 (‡ Jutta. S. Hildegardis de Bickelnheim anno 1112 . . . inclusa) p. 250 ad a 1148 (S. Hild. fundatrix monasterii S. Ruperti). p. 257 ad a. 1180 (S. Hild. eruditio). p. 410 ad a. 1498 (Reliquias S. Hyldegardis Joh. Trithemius, Abbas noster, obtinuit.)
Hildegard died in 1179, which is why van der Linde added an exclamation mark after "1180". The first link is to Volume I of the Opera historica (including the references to p.138 and 281), and the second link is to Volume II (including the page references to pp.133-136, 145, 156, 247, 250, 257 and 410).
J. Bain -- 2015-04-27 10:37:22 +0000
- English
- JOH. TRITHEMIUS, Historical works, ed. Marqvard Freher. (Frankfurt, 1601. Subsequent editions) Vol I: Catalogue of famous men, p. 138. Concerning ecclesiastical writers p. 281. Vol. II: Chronicle of the monastery of Hirsau, in the diocese of Speyer, order of St. Benedict, from 830 AD up until 1370 (pp. 133-136: The Books which St. Hildegard composed through revelations; p. 145, at the year 1160: St. Hildegard comes to Hirsau; p. 156, at the year 1180 [!]: St. Hildegard dies.) Chronicle of the monastery of Sponheim. p. 247 at the year 1136 (Jutta died. St. Hildegard of Böckelheim enclosed in the year 1112); p. 250 at the year 1148 (St. Hildegard foundress of the monastery of St. Rupert); p. 257 at the year 1180: (St. Hildegard's wisdom); p. 410 at the year 1498 (our Abbot, Joh. Trithemius obtained the relics of St. Hildegard.) [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.104.
Derselbe [JOH. TRITHEMIUS], Virorum illustrium ordinis S. Benedicti. (Coloniæ, 1575. fol.) cap . 119. (Stilting, no. 187-190, 193.)
The URL takes you to Stilting (Acta Sanctorum), paragraph no. 187.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 14:20:02 +0000
- English
- Idem [JOH. TRITHEMIUS], Illustrious Men of the order of St. Benedict, (Cologne, 1575. Subsequent editions.) chapter 119. (Stilting, no. 187-190, 193.) [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.105.
Sequenz auf S. Hildegardis auctore Trith., vgl. SILBERNAGEL, Abt Trithemius. (Landshut, 1868. 8vo.) p. 240.
The title of Silbernagel's book is: Johannes Trithemius: eine Monographie. On p. 240 Silbefnagel says that Trithemius wrote a sequence for St. Hildegard (in a long list of sequences, prayers etc. that he wrote for other saints), but he doesn't provide the text of the sequence.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 14:25:14 +0000
- English
- Sequence for St. Hildegard, authored by Trithemius. Compare SILBERNAGEL, Abbot Trithemius.(Landshut, 1868. 8vo.) p. 240. [Trans. J. Bain]
- IV.106.
Umherschweifungen in den Labyrinthen schwärmerischer und mystischer Frauen, pp. 139 ff.
The author is Christian August Vulpius, and the book was published in Leipzig in 1825. Hildegard is described on pp.139-140.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 14:29:14 +0000
- English
- Wandering in the labyrinths of lyrical and mystical women, pp. 139 ff. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.107.
J. VOGT, Catal. historico- criticus librorum rariorum. (Hamburg, 1732, 38, 47, 53. 8vo.) p. 344.
In the digitized edition found here, the entry on Hildegard is on pp.343-344.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 14:33:44 +0000
- English
- J. VOGT, Historical-critical catalogue of rare books. (Hamburg, 1732, 38, 47, 53.8vo.) p. 344. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.108.
NIKLAS VOGT, Rheinische Geschichten und Sagen. (Frankfurt a. M., 1817, 8vo.) I. pp. 364- 372; II. p. 366; III. pp. 102-115.
The three links will take you to Volumes 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 14:42:58 +0000
- English
- NIKLAS VOGT, Rhenish tales and legends. (Frankfurt on the Main, 1817, 8vo.) I. pp. 364- 372; II. p. 366; III. pp. 102-115. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.109.
JOH. GERH. VOSSIUS, De theol. gentili et physiologia christ. sive de origine ac propressu idololatriœ. (Amsteld., 1641- 69. 4to.) Capp. 87, 88. Vgl. dessen schrift: de Histor. Latinis, I. 2. cap. 53. p. m. 435.
Chapter 87 and 88 are in Volume II, Book 4. These chapters are not about Hildegard per se, but do make reference to her and her book, Physica. The link takes you directly to chapter 87.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 14:52:45 +0000
- English
- JOH. GERH. VOSSIUS, Concerning Theology, Gentile and Christian physiology, or about the origin and development of idolatry. (Amsteld., 1641- 69. 4to.) Chapter. 87, 88. Compare his writing: Of Latin history, I. 2nd chapter. 53. p. m. 435. [Trans. S. Docking]
- IV.110.
W. WATTENBACH, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter bis zur Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 1873. 8vo.) I. p. 35; II. pp. 117, 174, 302, 306.
Two URLs take you to volumes 1 and 2 respectively. Note that Volume 2 is the edition from 1886, and the pagination differs. I found references to Hildegard on pp.148, 221, and 400.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 15:17:29 +0000
- English
- W. WATTENBACH, Germany's historical sources in the Middle Ages to the mid-13th century. Berlin, 1873. 8vo.) I. p. 35; II. pp. 117, 174, 302, 306. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.111.
A. J. WEIDENBACH, Regesta Bingiensia inde ab anno LXXI usque ad annum MDCCLXXXXIII. Regesten der Stadt Bingen, des Schlosses Klopp und des Klosters Rupertsberg. Aus gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen bearbeitet. Mit 4 Siegelabbildungen. Bingen, 1853. Auf Kosten des Verfassers. Gr. 4to. (Die h. Hildegard, numm. 61, 62, 63, 86, 87, 125, 131, 137, 233, 552, 567, 702, 738.)
- English
- A. J. WEIDENBACH, Register of Bingen from the year 71 up until the year 1793. Registers of the town of Bingen, the Klopp Castle and the monastery Rupertsberg. Edited from printed and unprinted sources. With an illustration of four seals. Bingen, 1853. At the expense of the author. Gr. 4to. (The holy Hildegard, nos. 61, 62, 63, 86, 87, 125, 131, 137, 233, 552, 567, 702, 738.) [Trans. J. Bock and J. Bain]
- IV.112.
J. WEITZEL, Die Rheinreise. I. (Wiesbaden, 1825. 8vo.) pp. 270-310.
Hildegard is mentioned on pp.251, 307, 308, and 310.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 16:01:05 +0000
- English
- J. WEITZEL, Rhine journey. I ( Wiesbaden, 1825. 8vo.) pp. 270-310. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.113.
H. J. WETZER U. B. WELTE, Kirchen- Lexikon oder Encyklopädie der kath. Theologie. V. (Freiburgi . Br. 1860. 8vo.) pp. 188-190: Die heil. Hildegardis. Vgl. I, 840; III, 497, 531, 744, 889; XI, 1150; XII, 295.
A link is provided for only Volume 5.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 16:03:05 +0000
- English
- H.J. WETZER U. B. WELTE, Church dictionary or encyclopedia of catholic theology. Vol. V (Freiburg im Breisgau 1860. 8vo) pp. 188-190: The holy Hildegard. Compare Vol. I, 840; Vol. III, 497,531, 744, 889; Vol. XI, 1150; Vol. XII, 295. [Trans. J. Bock]
- IV.114.
S. A. WÜRDTWEIN, Nova subsidia diplomatica ad selecta juris ecclesiastici Germaniæ. I. (Heidelberg, 1783. 8vo.) p. XLIV, no. VIII.
This reference is in Volume II, not in Volume I, and extends from p. XLIV to XLV, including articles VIII and IX. The articles describe the official recognition made by Archbishop Arnold of Mainz in 1158 concerning the establishment of Rupertsberg.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 16:47:47 +0000
- English
- S.A. WÜRDTWEIN, New supporting documents for the selection of German ecclesiastical rights. Vol. I (Heidelberg, 1783. 8vo) p. XLIV, no. VIII. [Trans. J. Bain]