Predigt auf die Gedächtnissfeier der heiligen Hildegard bei Gelegenheit und Uebertragung ihrer Reliquien. Gehalten in der Kirche zu Eibingen am 17. September 1857 von Dr. PETER JOSEPH BLUM, Bischof von Limburg… Mainz, E. Schröder. 8vo. 23 pp.
I have a photocopy of this sermon and can provide a copy on request.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 10:56:48 +0000
- English
- Sermon on St. Hildegard’s commemoration at the occasion and transfer of her relics. Mass said in the church. Mass said in the church in Eibingen, on the 17th September 1857 by Peter Joseph Blum, Bishop in Limburg… Mainz, E. Schröder. 8vo. 23 pp. [Trans. J. Bock]