Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


(L. SCHNEIDER), Andacht zu Ehren der heil. Jungfrauen und Abtissin HILDEGARDIS, deren Leib in der Pfarrkirche zu Eibingen ruht. (Zum ersten Male daselbst gehalten bey der feierlichen Uebertragung ihrer h. Reliquien in den neuen Altar den 17. September 1857.) Zu einem frommen Zwecke. (Mit Bischöflicher Gutheiszung.) Rüdesheim, A. Fischer. 8vo. 16 pp.


I have a photocopy of the original and can provide a digital version upon request.
J. Bain -- 2016-07-21 22:45:06 +0000


Devotion to honour the holy Virgin and Abbess Hildegard, whose body rests in this Parish Church in Eibingen. (To first mark the celebratory translation of her holy relics to the new altar on September 17, 1857.) With devotional purpose. (With the Bishop's approval.) [Trans. J. Docking]