LIEHSZ, Die Reliquien der S. Matthiaskirche, Trier 1846 (erste ausgabe des verzeichnisses 1515). «Sextodecimo ostenditur . . . de virginibus Benigna et HILDEGARDE . . . Peplum magnum ejusdum Hildegardis, in quo multis annis sepulta sunt. Corona ejusdem virginis, quâ utebatur tempore sacræ communionis.»
- English
- LIEHSZ, The relics of St. Matthias Church, Trier 1846 (first edition of the catalogue dates from 1515) “Sixteen are presented… of the virgins Benigna and Hildegard … a veil of Hildegard, in which for many years she was buried. The crown of the same virgin, which was used at the time of the Holy Communion.” [Trans. J. Bock]