Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


LIEHSZ, Die Reliquien der S. Matthiaskirche, Trier 1846 (erste ausgabe des verzeichnisses 1515). «Sextodecimo ostenditur . . . de virginibus Benigna et HILDEGARDE . . . Peplum magnum ejusdum Hildegardis, in quo multis annis sepulta sunt. Corona ejusdem virginis, quâ utebatur tempore sacræ communionis.»


LIEHSZ, The relics of St. Matthias Church, Trier 1846 (first edition of the catalogue dates from 1515) “Sixteen are presented… of the virgins Benigna and Hildegard … a veil of Hildegard, in which for many years she was buried. The crown of the same virgin, which was used at the time of the Holy Communion.” [Trans. J. Bock]