J.H. VON HEFNER-ALTENECK, Trachten des christlichen Mittelalters. (Frankfurt a. M., 1840-54, 4to.) I. Tafel 38 (Kamm der h. Hildegardis ‡ 1179), u. pp. 55, 56.
The URL takes you directly to the discussion of Plate 38 on pp.55-56. (Pagination in the book is confusing, because it keeps restarting.) The images are later in the volume, and the plate numbers are included on the top right.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 12:18:23 +0000
- English
- J.H. von Hefner-Altneck, Traditional Costumes of the Christian Middle Ages. (Frankfurt am Main, 1840-54, 4to) Volume I. Plate 38 (Comb of St. Hildegard † 1179), on pp. 55 and 56. [Trans. J. Bain]