ALOYS SCHREIBER, Taschenbuch für Rheinreisende. (Heidelberg, 1821. 8vo.) p. 22. (Ueber ein angeblich vom heil. Bernhard der heil. Hildegard geschenktes gebetbuch, und einen ring mit der inschrift: Ich leide gern, befindlich in Eibingen; die nonne M. W. E. Ritterich, † 6. jan. 1836, hat aber den ring nach Hattenheim mitgenommen und - verschenkt.)
This reference is a little confusing. I have found references to a book with this title by W. Smets published in 1818 in Koblenz, but I have not been able to look at it myself. I have also found in numerous places a book by Schreiber published as
Handbuch für Reisende am Rhein. The link here is to an edition of the
Handbuch from 1818. Schreiber here makes reference to Hildegard of Bingen on pp.141-2 and on p.157, relating the story about Bernhard quoted by van der Linde on pp.141-2.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 11:40:43 +0000
- English
- Aloys Schreiber, Pocketbook for travelling on the Rhine. (Heidelberg, 1821. 8vo) p.22. (About a prayerbook allegedly given by St. Bernhard to St. Hildegard, and a ring with the inscription: I suffer gladly, presently in Eibingen; the nun M.W.E. Ritterich, † 6 January, 1836, however, took the ring to Hattenheim and gave it away.) [Trans. J. Bain]