Der heil. Hildegard subtilitatum diversarum naturarum creaturarum libri novem, die werthvollste Urkunde deutscher Natur- und Heilkunde aus dem Mittelalter, wissenschaftlich gewürdigt von Dr. F. A. Reuss in Nürnberg. (Annalen des Vereins für Nassauische Alterthumskunde und Geschichtsforschung. VI. Wiesbaden, 1859. 8vo. pp. 50- 106.) Reuss citiert in diesen beiden schriften u. a.: Carpzov, De medicis ab ecclesia pro sanctis habitis. - Ferd. Denis, le moyen age et la renaissance, art. Hist. nat.- J. Feustking, Gynœc. hœretico-fanatic. p. 351.- Hufeland und Osann, Journal. V. p. 63. -SCHMIDT, Jahrbücher der Medicin. XIII, I. p. 110. April, 1857, p. 152. - C. Sprengel, hist[oria] rei herbar[aria] I. p. 226. -A. Tiraquelli, de nobilitate. I. p. 226.- Zwinger, Theatrum vitae humanae.
URL 1 is to a copy of Feustking.
J. Bain -- 2015-04-27 09:40:30 +0000
- English
- Nine books of St Hildegard's Variety in the world of nature, the most valuable original source for study of German natural and medical science in the Middle Ages, scientifically authenticated by Dr F.A. Reuss in Nuremburg. (Annals of the Society for Antiquity and Historical Research in Nassau. Vol. VI. Wiesbaden, 1859. 8vo. pp. 50-106.) In these two works, Reuss cites among others: Carpzov, Concerning doctors (physicians) made saints by the Church; Ferd. Denis, The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, art. Hist. nat.; J. Feustking, Heretical-fanatical Women, or a History and Description of false prophetesses/quacks/dreamers/and other sectarian and possessed female persons [Gynaeceum haeretico-fanaticum, Oder Historie und Beschreibung Der falschen Prophetinnen/Quäckerinnen/Schwärmerinnen/und andern sectirischen und begeisterten Weibes=Personen. Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1704], p. 351; Hufeland und Osann, Journal. V. p. 63; SCHMIDT, Yearbook of the Physician. XIII, I. p. 110. April, 1857, p. 152; C. Sprengel, History of Botany, I. p. 226; A. Tiraquelli, Concerning nobility. I. p. 226; Zwinger, Theatre of human life. [Trans. J. Docking and S. Docking]