Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


Acta Inquisitionis de virtutibus & miraculis (S. HILDEGARDIS). Ex Ms. Bodecensis cœnobii Regularium S. Augustini, diœcesis Paderbornensis (AA. SS. am a. o. pp. 697-701.) Vgl. p. 630 den titel:

De testimonio miraculorum sanctæ HILDEGARDIS quæ dominus ejus meritis operatus est, tam in vita ejus quam post mortem.


The original document was completed in 1233 "as part of the diocesan enquiry undertaken with a view to Hildegard's canonization (Silvas, 253)." Silvas provides an introduction and modern English translation in: Anna Silvas, Jutta & Hildegard: The Biographical Sources. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999, 252-272. The URL is to the 19th-century reprint of the original 1755 Acta Sanctorum volume.
J. Bain -- 2015-04-27 16:49:44 +0000



Proceedings of the enquiry concerning the virtues and miracles (of St. Hildegard). From the manuscript of the Augustinian convent of Böddecke, in the Diocese of Paderborn (Acta Sanctorum already cited, pp.697-701). Compare the title on p.630 [in the Acta Sanctorum]: Concerning the testimony of the miracles of St Hildegard, which the Lord worked by his goodness, both in her life and after her death. [Trans. J. Docking and S. Docking]