ANTONIO PAGI, Critica historico-chronologica in universos Annales ecclesiasticos Cœsaris Cardinalis Baronii. t. IV. (Coloniæ Allobrogum, 1727. fol.) p. 654, ad a. 1178, n. VIII. Obitus S. Hildegardis. (Stilting, n. 203.)
"Stilting" refers to Johannes Stilting who compiled and commented on documents pertaining to Hildegard's life, published in
Acta Sanctorum September, Vol. 5 (Antwerp: 1755). When van der Linde says "Stilting, no.203" he is referring to a paragraph number in the first large section devoted to Hildegard in the
Acta Sanctorum (pp.629-679). Van der Linde's first reference to Stilting is in section I, record 2. One URL is for the 19th-century reprint of the
Acta Sanctorum volume, while the other URL provides a link to Pagi.
J. Bain -- 2011-07-11 17:37:59 +0000
- English
- ANTONIO PAGI, Historico-Chronological Criticisms of Cesare Baronio’s Ecclesiastical Annals. Vol. IV. (Geneva, 1727 fol.) p. 654, [reference to Hildegard] at the year 1178, n. VIII The Death of St Hildegard. (Stilting, no. 203.)