Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


J. F. SCHANNAT, Concilia Germaniœ. t. III. (Coloniæ Aug. Agripp. 1760. fol.) p. 360: Concilium Treverense A. Chr. 1148. Summa . . . § 2. Archi-Episcopi Moguntini & S. Bernardi relatio de vita, & scriptis S. HILDEGARDIS. - § 3. Virdunensis Episcopus mittitur a Papa & Concilio ad Hildegardim visitandam. Ejus Relatio. Decretum Synodi. - § 4. Literæ Papæ ad Hildegardim.



German Councils, volume 3. p.360: The Council of Trier in the year of Christ 1148. The chief points...§ 2. The reports of the Archbishop of Mainz and St. Bernard concerning the life and writings of St. Hildegard § 3. The Bishop of Verdun is sent by the Pope and council to visit Hildegard. His report. Decree of the Synod. -- § 4. Papal letters to Hildegard. [Trans. J. Docking]