Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


Die Acten der Untersuchung der Tugenden und Wunder der heiligen HILDEGARD. (L. CLARUS, am a. o. I. pp. 26-37.)


This is a German translation of items II.9 and II.10. (See another Clarus entry under item I.6.) It's found in a volume entitled: Leben und Schriften der heiligen Hildegard, Volume I, which is the eighth volume in the series: Sammlung der vorzüglichsten mystischen Schriften aller katholischen Völker. Regensburg: G. Joseph Manz, 1854. Ludwig Clarus is a pseudonym for Wilhelm Gustav Werner Volk who wrote numerous lives of saints.
Jennifer Bain -- 2009-09-27 21:03:37 +0000



Proceedings of the enquiry into the virtues and miracles of the holy Hildegard. (Ludwig Clarus, already cited, pp.26-37.) [Trans. J. Bain]