Acta inquisitionis de virtutibus et miraculis S. HILDEGARDIS. (Acta SS. Bolland.) MIGNE, t. 197, coll. 131- 140.
The original document was completed in 1233 "as part of the diocesan enquiry undertaken with a view to Hildegard's canonization (Silvas, 253)." Silvas provides an introduction and modern English translation in: Anna Silvas,
Jutta & Hildegard: The Biographical Sources. University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999, 252-272. The URL provides the Migne volume.
Jennifer Bain -- 2009-09-27 21:13:33 +0000
- English
- Proceedings of the enquiry concerning the virtues and miracles of the holy Hildegard. [Trans. J. Bain]