Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


(V. STRAMMBERG:) Rheinischer Antiquarius. - Mittelrhein. Der II. Abth. 9. Band. (Coblenz, 1860. 8vo.) pp. 520-542: Die h. Hildegard. Vgl. p. 394: Der Rupertsberg. - Der II. Abth. 2. Bd. p. 535.


(V. STRAMMBERG:) Rhenish antiquities - Middle Rhine. Second Division, Vol. 9, (Coblenz, 1860. 8vo.) pp. 520-542: "Saint Hildegard". Compare p. 394: The Rupertsberg. - 2nd Division, Vol. 2, p. 535. [Trans. J. Bock]