Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


DR. SCHMITT, Das Helenenbad zu Bingen. (1844.) p. 31.


The section pertaining to Hildegard is on pp.55-59. Page 31 describes a walk to take on the Rochuskapelle. There is an association with Hildegard and the Rochuskapelle, but that isn't mentioned here. (When the Rochuskapelle was rebuilt in 1814, Hildegard's monastery at Eibingen had just been dissolved. The villagers in Bingen purchased furnishings from the Eibingen monastery to outfit the new chapel. I talk about this in Hildegard of Bingen and Musical Reception: the Modern Revival of a Medieval Composer (Cambridge: 2015), 38-41.)
J. Bain -- 2016-08-26 13:06:28 +0000



DR. SCHMITT, The Helen spa in Bingen. (1844.) p. 31. [Trans. J. Bock]