Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


DR. AUG. NEANDER, Allg. Geschichte der christl. Religion und Kirche. (V. I. Hamburg, 1841. 8vo.) pp. 417-423. Vgl. V. 2. p. 1150: Hildegard, ihre grosze Verehrung, Ermahnungen und Rathschläge, Strafreden gegen den Klerus und Weissagungen.


The URL is to the second part of Volume V, and includes the reference to Hildegard on p.1150. Although I've found a Volume V, part 1, the pagination ends before p.417.
J. Bain -- 2016-08-25 23:17:47 +0000



DR. AUG. NEANDER, General history of the Christian religion and church. (V. I. Hamburg, 1841. 8vo.) pp. 417-423. Compare Vol. 2. p. 1150: Hildegard, her great veneration, admonishments, and advisements, condemnatory sermons against the clergy, and prognostications. [Trans. J. Bock and J. Bain]