ANG. MANRICUS, Annales Cisterciens. ad a. 1148. (Lyon, 1642. fol.) p. 101. (cf. AA. SS. 20 Augusti, in S. Bernardo p. 193; Mabillon, Annales ord. S. Benedicti. t. VI. ed. Martene 1739, p. 410; Stilting, no. 23).
- English
- ANG. MANRICUS, Annals of the Cistercians. [Hildegard mentioned] at the year 1148. (Lyon, 1642. Subsequent edition[s].) p. 101. (compare AA. SS. [Acta Sanctorum] August 20th, for St. Bernard p. 193; Mabillon, Annals of the Order of St. Benedict. Vol. VI. ed. Martene 1739, p. 410; Stilting [also Acta Sanctorum, but volume 5 for September, under Sept. 17, Hildegard, paragrah] no. 23). [Trans. J. Bain]