Hildegard 1877 bibliography on the life and works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)


A. J. WEIDENBACH, Regesta Bingiensia inde ab anno LXXI usque ad annum MDCCLXXXXIII. Regesten der Stadt Bingen, des Schlosses Klopp und des Klosters Rupertsberg. Aus gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen bearbeitet. Mit 4 Siegelabbildungen. Bingen, 1853. Auf Kosten des Verfassers. Gr. 4to. (Die h. Hildegard, numm. 61, 62, 63, 86, 87, 125, 131, 137, 233, 552, 567, 702, 738.)


A. J. WEIDENBACH, Register of Bingen from the year 71 up until the year 1793. Registers of the town of Bingen, the Klopp Castle and the monastery Rupertsberg. Edited from printed and unprinted sources. With an illustration of four seals. Bingen, 1853. At the expense of the author. Gr. 4to. (The holy Hildegard, nos. 61, 62, 63, 86, 87, 125, 131, 137, 233, 552, 567, 702, 738.) [Trans. J. Bock and J. Bain]