JOH. TRITHEMIUS, Opera historica, (ed. Marqvard Freher. Francoforti, 1601. fol.) I. Catalogus illustrium uirorum, p. 138. De Scriptoribus ecclesiast. p. 281.- II. Chronica monasterii Hirsaugiensis, diœc.Spirensis, ord. S. Benedicti, ab A. C. 830 usque ad A. 1370. (pp. 133-136: Libri quos S. H. per revelationes composuit. p. 145, ad a. 1160: S. Hild. venit Hirsaugiam. p. 156, ad a. 1180 [!] S. Hild. moritur.) Chronicon huius monasterii Sponheimensis. p. 247 ad a. 1436 (‡ Jutta. S. Hildegardis de Bickelnheim anno 1112 . . . inclusa) p. 250 ad a 1148 (S. Hild. fundatrix monasterii S. Ruperti). p. 257 ad a. 1180 (S. Hild. eruditio). p. 410 ad a. 1498 (Reliquias S. Hyldegardis Joh. Trithemius, Abbas noster, obtinuit.)
Hildegard died in 1179, which is why van der Linde added an exclamation mark after "1180". The first link is to Volume I of the
Opera historica (including the references to p.138 and 281), and the second link is to Volume II (including the page references to pp.133-136, 145, 156, 247, 250, 257 and 410).
J. Bain -- 2015-04-27 10:37:22 +0000
- English
- JOH. TRITHEMIUS, Historical works, ed. Marqvard Freher. (Frankfurt, 1601. Subsequent editions) Vol I: Catalogue of famous men, p. 138. Concerning ecclesiastical writers p. 281. Vol. II: Chronicle of the monastery of Hirsau, in the diocese of Speyer, order of St. Benedict, from 830 AD up until 1370 (pp. 133-136: The Books which St. Hildegard composed through revelations; p. 145, at the year 1160: St. Hildegard comes to Hirsau; p. 156, at the year 1180 [!]: St. Hildegard dies.) Chronicle of the monastery of Sponheim. p. 247 at the year 1136 (Jutta died. St. Hildegard of Böckelheim enclosed in the year 1112); p. 250 at the year 1148 (St. Hildegard foundress of the monastery of St. Rupert); p. 257 at the year 1180: (St. Hildegard's wisdom); p. 410 at the year 1498 (our Abbot, Joh. Trithemius obtained the relics of St. Hildegard.) [Trans. J. Bain]